a candle light mcr

Posted: Jumat, 02 Agustus 2013 by Tyara Way in Label:

Hey! whats up?
I wanna tell you about my last activity with my friends, we call us MCRmy Bekasi. yeaaay!
This gathering started from the competition that @MCRmy_Indonesia held. *happy reading*

Using Indonesian

and for the reward as the winner, is this

1. Killjoys Comics, 2. Danger Days Tshirt, 3. Kerrang Magz
bonus: Sticker and bracelet MCR

Vijay said to me that he doesn't have Danger Days CD, so i give him a selection, how we maka a gathering with some members of @MCRmyBekasi ? and we did it. 
This gathering also for a birthday party of Vijay, he bring us to the restaurant (neraktir in Indonesian).

From Left: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan  @Moch_doni , @Vijaymcr

At first, Reni has an idea, how about we taking a picture in front of the merry-go-round (like a London Eye in England, in Indonesia we called it Komedi Putar) .
So we choose her idea, after that we comming arround my house to looking for a merry-go-round, but holy crap we don't find it -_- . it's okay. We still have the other plan, me and Lyla have an obsession to  bonfire, but the fire is too low. so we decide to buy a fireworks, candles . 
For the lightnening we use a light from a motorcycle :3 .
look at the picture!

@MCRmyLyla with her favorite MCR album
The Black Parade

This is me @TyaraWay ,
 making a written MCR" with a pencil fireworks

It's me @TyaraWay with my favorite album
Three Cheers for Sweet revenge
PS: I love this fireworks

@ReniMCRmydTT as the winner #Congratulation

The leader of MCRmy Bekasi

@Vijaymcr with Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge's MCR album

@prabowo_gunawan holds a big hammer or a cricket stcik

From Right: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan , @Vijaymcr , @Moch_doni

Only Dony  who looks busy with his candle ._.

From Right: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan , @Vijaymcr , @ReniMCRmydTT

From Right: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan , @Vijaymcr , @ReniMCRmydTT

Yeay fireworks!


Danger Days, The Black Parade
and Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
I don't have I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Loves's CD

Special Thanks To David and Friends
who help us to take our pictures.

#FYI: David only wants to help us
after we said we will give him a fireworks. 

Thanks for everyone


This video when Vijay get surprises
and he extinguishes flame.

See You

Going to 19th

Posted: Minggu, 30 Juni 2013 by Tyara Way in Label:

On Day-4 for my birthday in 19 years old, i had been attack by so many problems and made me getting mature, and here its for instance:

“Jurusan apa?”,  tanya gue. | “Komunikasi”|” Oh, di mana?” | “UNPAD” | *nyess nyess jleb ke hati*

“Tahun 2014 dia mau berangkat ke Jepang”, temen gw bilang. | *gue masih melongo mendengarnya* |”Serius lo?” |”Iya, kayanya beasiswa deh. Dia kan pinter segala yang berbau bahasa Jepang sama nulisnya” | “.......”
Yup, my friends from my vocational high school is going to Japan in 2014, HOW ABOUT ME?
I’m still right here, in Indonesia. Even UNPAD had been reject me. its not too bad anyway, but FYI, me and my friends in VHS have been talking about London as our destination, who will be the first to make a footstep on UK?
I wish i can go to London, get a scholarship to Oxford. aamiin ya Allah.

Hey,  to all of my friends in entire world, which have been reached own dreams.
To know you, its become my pleasure.
You guys are so talented, so smart and not being arrogant. 

Specially for me and my friends who haven’t yet to reach dreams, keep fight for it! 
Man Jadda Wa Jadda
Don’t let the shit things happened on repeat.
Break a leg!


Melankoli Perjuangan

Posted: Rabu, 12 Juni 2013 by Tyara Way in Label:


Oleh: Yulida Medistiara

Ketika hidup penuh polemik
Lika liku kehidupan bermain
“Hidup memang berat bung!”

Tiada satu orang pun dapat menerka
Meskipun ia berintelektual tinggi
meski ia beragama patuh
Meski setiap hari bergelut dengan hal yang diminati
Takkan bisa menerawang masa depan

Takdir dan persepsi menyerang diri

Hidup penuh keabu-abuan
Banyak orang yang bertopeng, meski terlihat tak memoles
Berhati-hati sebab sudah banyak menelan korban
Jangan sampai ikut termakan

Berprestasi  menjadi tujuan hidup
Pilihan hidup untuk mengikuti kata hati atau mengikuti trend masa kini

Ideologi, prinsip dan falsafah diri diperjuangkan
Namun, semakin tinggi pohon semakin besar angin menerpa
Tiada manusia yang sempurna.

Sesak di dada tak membungkam apapun
Sikap diperlukan untuk mempertahankan diri
Bila perlu menyerang balik

Hidup yang melankolis dibalut kilaunya kehidupan
Menjadi cerdas dan cermat adalah impian
Konsisten sebagai kunci mati
Agama dan pengetahuan  sebagai border terdepan
Meski tak ayal orang-orang intelek banyak memutar balikkan fakta
Ya, inilah hidup!
Semua orang memiliki kepentingan
Profesionalitas dan independensi dituntut perkembangan zaman

The things that should’ve happened later

Posted: Selasa, 04 Juni 2013 by Tyara Way in Label:

Created: Yulida Medistiara

I know its goona be cruel if me and you aren’t ‘get fun’ together
But its make us look selfish in the others eye
Its all about me, yeah
Its about my personal problems i guess.
But if we keep tryin’ and not thinkin the others side
The others can say that we are the baddas!
Not ‘we’ maybe. Only me .
Its my perception, if this feeling isn’t declare yet
Let the secrets of time working
No body knows about future life
The best thing that we can do is fix the personal future life
Well, i hope you understand that if this thing happens
Its gonna kill us
You know why?
Let the times show this process
Lets fix the future, each other of us!

The future is too grey, but how about if we give the sunlight to the future?
Let we stay on this way
Even its hurts. Its getting more hurts if we keep try this plan.
Trust! Some experiences is a good teacher
Let it flow,  Allah has a good way to people who hope a great plan
Makes the dreams come true
Don’t let the ‘things’ control us, its suppose we to control this things.
Stay connect and lookin’ for a good way from Allah
‘The way’ that we can find, it’s if we are more knowing and loving our beloved God, Allah.
To be dare, this’s my choice . You could even say no.
If you ever think about ‘this’.

A Wisdom From Mr. Kumis

Posted: Minggu, 28 April 2013 by Tyara Way in Label:

Source: http://musiumtulisan.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ponyo2.jpg

Created By: Yulida Medistiara
One day there are two boys in the street, they wanna buy something to their breakfast. I saw the older boy  give the seller about one thousands rupiahs. So what the seller do? The seller give them two portion of food as good portion as a man who buy with the  full price. “How pitty them”, i talk to my self, and “what kindda good man he is!”.
The seller talk to the older boy,” Hey can you ask to the fred seller to gimme the papper-packing? Just talk to the seller Mr. Kumis request!”.
“Come on what are you waiting for?”, he added.
The two young brothers are cross the street to fred seller’s shop. The older hold his little brother’s hands while they are crossing the street. Finally they ask the fred seller to give what Mr. Kumis wants, but the fred seller won’t give them what Mr. Kumis wants. Suddenly Mr. Kumis take the papper-packing by his self, from Mr. Kumis’s shop the buyers can see the dark skin with thick moustache is furies. Mr. Kumis back to his shop with an anger face.
Mr. Kumis continue his job to make a food and give the two brothers their breakfast menu. “Here you are, no return cost child”. The two brothers go to home with the sad face, maybe their only money that they have had just used to have a breakfast. A little boy who accept the food is happy, his eyes are shining. “I can still live”, he talk to his self. Temporary his brother is a bit sad, well he such a patient man.
The fact is the younger boy isn’t use a shoes to protect his foot, the brotherhood are so pitty. The older has realize the money that he give to the seller must be less from the price that is should. But from the family’s prayer who diligent to pray they got a luck like they have a  breakfast menu today. What a kind of wisdom from the food seller!
While the two brothers are waiting their breakfast, they just sit down in the chair and the younger shake his foot to the ground. The older hold his little brother’s hand, the older show his love to his brother with the way he hold softly the younger’s hands. “Thank you God, hopefully Mr. Kumis can get more luck to his life”, The brotherhood’s family pray.

I won’t this happen to my life.


Somewhere I belong?

Posted: Kamis, 25 April 2013 by Tyara Way in Label:

source: google.com

Somewhere I belong?
I don’t know what i’m gonna do. Its been my chance to go there! Its only my chance! My only hope!
But i also must listen my partners to suspicious it, but why we don’t try it ? although we don’t know anything before we do it? ._.
What i’m gonna do? :’(
I just wanna go there, wana go to Thames River, gonna see Big Ben, wanna try London’s Eye :’( , gonna to old Trafford u.u “Uh but we must be careful!”, somebody told.
I’m just confuse about my decision , this’s my dream! This is my chance, my only chance!
But :/ once again i’m afraid something bad’s happens if i apply it ._.
What i’m suppose to do?.
This’s hanging. Uh we don’t know what will happen to us in the future
I hope i can wear a beautiful toga from Oxford University as my graduated toga u.u
“You May Say I’m A Dreamer, But I’m Not The Only One”, John Mayer.

Or i must keep learn to reach my goal?
“Like working hard to get my fill! Everybody wants a thrill”, Glee- Don’t Stop Believeing
I ever feel like i’m the lucky because i’ve been learnt more, because i believe it
So what i’m gonna do about this chance? :’(
Really confusing .

Xoxo Tyara Way

By: Yulida Medistiara


Posted: by Tyara Way in Label:

Sumber: google

Oleh: Yulida Medistiara

Disini hujan..
Hatiku tak lagi gerimis, tangis ini pecah!
Aku suka hujan, sebab hujan menyamarkan air mata yang jatuh
Kadar Hujan yang deras melambangkan betapa pedihnya masalah yang digandrung
Kurasakan semua melankoli hidup
Tekanannya bertubi-tubi menggunyur tubuh ini hingga kuyub
Aku tak menyesal!
Hujan memberiku anugrah
Hujan mengajari aku hidup
Tanpa hujan dunia seolah kering tak bernyawa

Aku pernah merasakan rasa ingin mati
Kau tahu?
Sakit sekali beban yang kau pikul
Tetesan air mata tak dapat menyeamatkanmu dari kematian
Hanya satu, Allah
Saat hujan kepala ku benturkan dengan ikhlas
Ku nikmati saat-saat aku mengadu pada-Nya
Petir menyambar dalam hidup sudah biasa
Namun siapkah kau menghadapinya?

Tubuhku lemas, hilang tenaga untuk hidup
Terkulai aku dibuat
Aku sanggup berdiri!
Namun terkadang dalam hidup kau membutuhkan bantuan orang lain
Kini aku menikmati hujan di dalam kamar
Menikmati cinta ibu yang membuatkanku makanan
Kelak akan kubalas sakit yang ibu rasakaan selama ini
Ibu manusia yang lembut penuh kasih sayang
Tak tega aku membuatnya sedih

Ada Hujan dan kerikil disetiap perjuangan hidup
Hujan pasti akan datang
Pencipta alam diingat selalu, karena ia menciptakan hujan

Percayalah setelah hujan
Pelangi datang.
Putus asa bukanlah tindakan keren!
Jika memang kau punya mimpi, kejar!
Jangan disia-siakan
Sebab hidup hanya sekali
Kalau kau tinggal mimpi itu, berarti hal “itu” bukan sesuatu yang kau idam-idamkan
Tuhan yang harus dipercaya!
Selalu ada jalan setiap ada kemauan

Positive Thinking
Ragu dan takut melumati perasaan saat hujan disertai petir bersaut-sautan
Itu hanya pemanis
“Bukankah setiap kebahagiaan selalu di lalui oleh kesedihan?”  -Iwan Setyawan.


a candle light mcr

Hey! whats up?
I wanna tell you about my last activity with my friends, we call us MCRmy Bekasi. yeaaay!
This gathering started from the competition that @MCRmy_Indonesia held. *happy reading*

Using Indonesian

and for the reward as the winner, is this

1. Killjoys Comics, 2. Danger Days Tshirt, 3. Kerrang Magz
bonus: Sticker and bracelet MCR

Vijay said to me that he doesn't have Danger Days CD, so i give him a selection, how we maka a gathering with some members of @MCRmyBekasi ? and we did it. 
This gathering also for a birthday party of Vijay, he bring us to the restaurant (neraktir in Indonesian).

From Left: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan  @Moch_doni , @Vijaymcr

At first, Reni has an idea, how about we taking a picture in front of the merry-go-round (like a London Eye in England, in Indonesia we called it Komedi Putar) .
So we choose her idea, after that we comming arround my house to looking for a merry-go-round, but holy crap we don't find it -_- . it's okay. We still have the other plan, me and Lyla have an obsession to  bonfire, but the fire is too low. so we decide to buy a fireworks, candles . 
For the lightnening we use a light from a motorcycle :3 .
look at the picture!

@MCRmyLyla with her favorite MCR album
The Black Parade

This is me @TyaraWay ,
 making a written MCR" with a pencil fireworks

It's me @TyaraWay with my favorite album
Three Cheers for Sweet revenge
PS: I love this fireworks

@ReniMCRmydTT as the winner #Congratulation

The leader of MCRmy Bekasi

@Vijaymcr with Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge's MCR album

@prabowo_gunawan holds a big hammer or a cricket stcik

From Right: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan , @Vijaymcr , @Moch_doni

Only Dony  who looks busy with his candle ._.

From Right: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan , @Vijaymcr , @ReniMCRmydTT

From Right: @TyaraWay , @MCRmyLyla ,
@prabowo_gunawan , @Vijaymcr , @ReniMCRmydTT

Yeay fireworks!


Danger Days, The Black Parade
and Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
I don't have I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Loves's CD

Special Thanks To David and Friends
who help us to take our pictures.

#FYI: David only wants to help us
after we said we will give him a fireworks. 

Thanks for everyone


This video when Vijay get surprises
and he extinguishes flame.

See You

Read more

Going to 19th

On Day-4 for my birthday in 19 years old, i had been attack by so many problems and made me getting mature, and here its for instance:

“Jurusan apa?”,  tanya gue. | “Komunikasi”|” Oh, di mana?” | “UNPAD” | *nyess nyess jleb ke hati*

“Tahun 2014 dia mau berangkat ke Jepang”, temen gw bilang. | *gue masih melongo mendengarnya* |”Serius lo?” |”Iya, kayanya beasiswa deh. Dia kan pinter segala yang berbau bahasa Jepang sama nulisnya” | “.......”
Yup, my friends from my vocational high school is going to Japan in 2014, HOW ABOUT ME?
I’m still right here, in Indonesia. Even UNPAD had been reject me. its not too bad anyway, but FYI, me and my friends in VHS have been talking about London as our destination, who will be the first to make a footstep on UK?
I wish i can go to London, get a scholarship to Oxford. aamiin ya Allah.

Hey,  to all of my friends in entire world, which have been reached own dreams.
To know you, its become my pleasure.
You guys are so talented, so smart and not being arrogant. 

Specially for me and my friends who haven’t yet to reach dreams, keep fight for it! 
Man Jadda Wa Jadda
Don’t let the shit things happened on repeat.
Break a leg!


Read more

Melankoli Perjuangan


Oleh: Yulida Medistiara

Ketika hidup penuh polemik
Lika liku kehidupan bermain
“Hidup memang berat bung!”

Tiada satu orang pun dapat menerka
Meskipun ia berintelektual tinggi
meski ia beragama patuh
Meski setiap hari bergelut dengan hal yang diminati
Takkan bisa menerawang masa depan

Takdir dan persepsi menyerang diri

Hidup penuh keabu-abuan
Banyak orang yang bertopeng, meski terlihat tak memoles
Berhati-hati sebab sudah banyak menelan korban
Jangan sampai ikut termakan

Berprestasi  menjadi tujuan hidup
Pilihan hidup untuk mengikuti kata hati atau mengikuti trend masa kini

Ideologi, prinsip dan falsafah diri diperjuangkan
Namun, semakin tinggi pohon semakin besar angin menerpa
Tiada manusia yang sempurna.

Sesak di dada tak membungkam apapun
Sikap diperlukan untuk mempertahankan diri
Bila perlu menyerang balik

Hidup yang melankolis dibalut kilaunya kehidupan
Menjadi cerdas dan cermat adalah impian
Konsisten sebagai kunci mati
Agama dan pengetahuan  sebagai border terdepan
Meski tak ayal orang-orang intelek banyak memutar balikkan fakta
Ya, inilah hidup!
Semua orang memiliki kepentingan
Profesionalitas dan independensi dituntut perkembangan zaman

Read more

The things that should’ve happened later

Created: Yulida Medistiara

I know its goona be cruel if me and you aren’t ‘get fun’ together
But its make us look selfish in the others eye
Its all about me, yeah
Its about my personal problems i guess.
But if we keep tryin’ and not thinkin the others side
The others can say that we are the baddas!
Not ‘we’ maybe. Only me .
Its my perception, if this feeling isn’t declare yet
Let the secrets of time working
No body knows about future life
The best thing that we can do is fix the personal future life
Well, i hope you understand that if this thing happens
Its gonna kill us
You know why?
Let the times show this process
Lets fix the future, each other of us!

The future is too grey, but how about if we give the sunlight to the future?
Let we stay on this way
Even its hurts. Its getting more hurts if we keep try this plan.
Trust! Some experiences is a good teacher
Let it flow,  Allah has a good way to people who hope a great plan
Makes the dreams come true
Don’t let the ‘things’ control us, its suppose we to control this things.
Stay connect and lookin’ for a good way from Allah
‘The way’ that we can find, it’s if we are more knowing and loving our beloved God, Allah.
To be dare, this’s my choice . You could even say no.
If you ever think about ‘this’.

Read more

A Wisdom From Mr. Kumis

Source: http://musiumtulisan.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/ponyo2.jpg

Created By: Yulida Medistiara
One day there are two boys in the street, they wanna buy something to their breakfast. I saw the older boy  give the seller about one thousands rupiahs. So what the seller do? The seller give them two portion of food as good portion as a man who buy with the  full price. “How pitty them”, i talk to my self, and “what kindda good man he is!”.
The seller talk to the older boy,” Hey can you ask to the fred seller to gimme the papper-packing? Just talk to the seller Mr. Kumis request!”.
“Come on what are you waiting for?”, he added.
The two young brothers are cross the street to fred seller’s shop. The older hold his little brother’s hands while they are crossing the street. Finally they ask the fred seller to give what Mr. Kumis wants, but the fred seller won’t give them what Mr. Kumis wants. Suddenly Mr. Kumis take the papper-packing by his self, from Mr. Kumis’s shop the buyers can see the dark skin with thick moustache is furies. Mr. Kumis back to his shop with an anger face.
Mr. Kumis continue his job to make a food and give the two brothers their breakfast menu. “Here you are, no return cost child”. The two brothers go to home with the sad face, maybe their only money that they have had just used to have a breakfast. A little boy who accept the food is happy, his eyes are shining. “I can still live”, he talk to his self. Temporary his brother is a bit sad, well he such a patient man.
The fact is the younger boy isn’t use a shoes to protect his foot, the brotherhood are so pitty. The older has realize the money that he give to the seller must be less from the price that is should. But from the family’s prayer who diligent to pray they got a luck like they have a  breakfast menu today. What a kind of wisdom from the food seller!
While the two brothers are waiting their breakfast, they just sit down in the chair and the younger shake his foot to the ground. The older hold his little brother’s hand, the older show his love to his brother with the way he hold softly the younger’s hands. “Thank you God, hopefully Mr. Kumis can get more luck to his life”, The brotherhood’s family pray.

I won’t this happen to my life.


Read more

Somewhere I belong?

source: google.com

Somewhere I belong?
I don’t know what i’m gonna do. Its been my chance to go there! Its only my chance! My only hope!
But i also must listen my partners to suspicious it, but why we don’t try it ? although we don’t know anything before we do it? ._.
What i’m gonna do? :’(
I just wanna go there, wana go to Thames River, gonna see Big Ben, wanna try London’s Eye :’( , gonna to old Trafford u.u “Uh but we must be careful!”, somebody told.
I’m just confuse about my decision , this’s my dream! This is my chance, my only chance!
But :/ once again i’m afraid something bad’s happens if i apply it ._.
What i’m suppose to do?.
This’s hanging. Uh we don’t know what will happen to us in the future
I hope i can wear a beautiful toga from Oxford University as my graduated toga u.u
“You May Say I’m A Dreamer, But I’m Not The Only One”, John Mayer.

Or i must keep learn to reach my goal?
“Like working hard to get my fill! Everybody wants a thrill”, Glee- Don’t Stop Believeing
I ever feel like i’m the lucky because i’ve been learnt more, because i believe it
So what i’m gonna do about this chance? :’(
Really confusing .

Xoxo Tyara Way

By: Yulida Medistiara

Read more


Sumber: google

Oleh: Yulida Medistiara

Disini hujan..
Hatiku tak lagi gerimis, tangis ini pecah!
Aku suka hujan, sebab hujan menyamarkan air mata yang jatuh
Kadar Hujan yang deras melambangkan betapa pedihnya masalah yang digandrung
Kurasakan semua melankoli hidup
Tekanannya bertubi-tubi menggunyur tubuh ini hingga kuyub
Aku tak menyesal!
Hujan memberiku anugrah
Hujan mengajari aku hidup
Tanpa hujan dunia seolah kering tak bernyawa

Aku pernah merasakan rasa ingin mati
Kau tahu?
Sakit sekali beban yang kau pikul
Tetesan air mata tak dapat menyeamatkanmu dari kematian
Hanya satu, Allah
Saat hujan kepala ku benturkan dengan ikhlas
Ku nikmati saat-saat aku mengadu pada-Nya
Petir menyambar dalam hidup sudah biasa
Namun siapkah kau menghadapinya?

Tubuhku lemas, hilang tenaga untuk hidup
Terkulai aku dibuat
Aku sanggup berdiri!
Namun terkadang dalam hidup kau membutuhkan bantuan orang lain
Kini aku menikmati hujan di dalam kamar
Menikmati cinta ibu yang membuatkanku makanan
Kelak akan kubalas sakit yang ibu rasakaan selama ini
Ibu manusia yang lembut penuh kasih sayang
Tak tega aku membuatnya sedih

Ada Hujan dan kerikil disetiap perjuangan hidup
Hujan pasti akan datang
Pencipta alam diingat selalu, karena ia menciptakan hujan

Percayalah setelah hujan
Pelangi datang.
Putus asa bukanlah tindakan keren!
Jika memang kau punya mimpi, kejar!
Jangan disia-siakan
Sebab hidup hanya sekali
Kalau kau tinggal mimpi itu, berarti hal “itu” bukan sesuatu yang kau idam-idamkan
Tuhan yang harus dipercaya!
Selalu ada jalan setiap ada kemauan

Positive Thinking
Ragu dan takut melumati perasaan saat hujan disertai petir bersaut-sautan
Itu hanya pemanis
“Bukankah setiap kebahagiaan selalu di lalui oleh kesedihan?”  -Iwan Setyawan.

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